Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hi everyone

I hope you're having HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

It's not long before school starts back now!

I hope you've been uisng your initiative at home. Click on the link below if you need reminding about the ways you can use your initiative -


Don't forget to bring all your tools for school -

2 blue pens
1 red pen
1 green pen
2 HB pencils
1 pencil sharpener
1 eraser
1 glue stick
1 vivid
1 highlighter pen
1 ruler
1 correction tape
1 colour pencils (set of 12)

See you all on Monday!

Oh - and one more thing. If you've got a photo of a special pet, please bring it to school. If you need to email it - send to fhunter@halcombe.school.nz

Here is Mrs Hunter's special pet/pets, snuggling up to the warm fire last winter!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We learnt how to make photo collages in Picasa. Picasa is a programme used to create photo collages and short movies. Sophie was our expert. She taught us how to make photo collaages. She said the best things about helping others were that she got to share her knowledge and she also got to see other people learning new and exciting things. Here are some of our collages from the 'Fun Swimming Sports' and 'Paua Fritter Making' -

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Term 1's STAR STUDENT is ...


Room 4 students agree that Destiny:

- reads every night
- has gone up one spelling level (she does KIT book spelling regularly)
- strives hard to achieve (gives 100% effort in everything she does)
- listens carefully (knows what she is meant to be doing and when she is meant to be doing it)
- always smiles

Friday, April 15, 2011


Sophie's Learning


Now that our 'Celebration of Learning' night is over, we can start to share some more of the exciting things we've been doing. We've been saving up!

Paua Fritters

We made paua fritters with our buddy class, room 1. Paua needs to be minced first to made fritters. Then you need to add flour, baking powder, salt and eggs, onion and milk. We fried our fritters and then ate them in Nature's Fresh bread, buttered with Mainland butter. We smothered them with Wattie's tomato sauce and then ate them. YUMMY!

Watch our video about making paua fritters -

Here are some pictures of our performance on Wednesday night. Mrs Hunter was very proud of us. She thinks we're all STARS.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Mrs Simpson has a maths survey for us to complete.

Click on the link below to take her survey:



Congratuations to the students and families who shared learning at our 3-way conferences last week. Term 1 is quickly drawing to an end. While the holidays are a time for 'cruising and snoozing' don't forget about your goals, keep working towards achieving to your absolute best, and be ready for Term 2 'full steam ahead'.
Wednesday night is another opportunity for sharing our learning. All children are expected to attend and they're looking forward to sharing with you, 'WHAT MAKES NZ UNIQUE?' Kick off is 6 p.m. See your newsletter for further details.



Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hot Text - http://www.sparklee.com

Miss Croasdale was our student teacher. She spent four weeks with us and we enjoyed working with her. We think she enjoyed working with us too and she left us with something very special ...

A Poem

The Room 4 Lovelies

Arizona recently turned nine, didn't you know?
Danielle got a labrador puppy not long ago.
Seth's t-shirt design was just so cool,
Jade's a polite young lady, always ready for school.

Victoria has a zoo of animals at her home,
Logan loves to silent read, he gets in the zone.
TeRangi is great at showing people the ropes,
Heath and Lucas - my, they're friendly blokes!

I've enjoyed listening to Tehanna read,
And Devon too - they know expression's what you need!
Catherine is such a helpful child,
Isaac K - what a lovely smile.

Cooper is our Mr FixIt,
Sophie takes spectacular pictures.
Jordan's our amn if you want to know about ferns,
Destiny's always smiling and happy to learn.

Madison and Jorja were great peg hunters for Kauri,
At our fun swimming sports they searched quickly, not slowly.
I love that Isaac J and Ashley are so enthusiastic,
Their positive energy really is fantastic.

Regan told me about his kitten named Ella,
Hey, how about that Frazer? He's a delightful fella!
Riki showed me that he is a skipping legend,
Natalie helped me check for eggs in the hen pen.

De'Quante always has a hand raised, so keen to answer,
Ffion excels at gynastics, I think she'd be a good dancer.
Daniel was a champ and gave the swimming sports a go,
WOW Room 4! You've been great to get to know!

But I think I might be forgetting someone important in Room 4 ...
She's helped you be your best today, and she will for many days more.
I've been very lucky to have her helping me out too,
I think Mrs Hunter is a primo teacher - what about you?

So thank you room 4, for having me to stay,
It's time to say goodbye now, as it's my very last day.
Work hard for the rest of the year, do the best that you can do,
Prove that Halcombe kids are awesome (I already know it's true).

Thank you Miss Croasdale, we love the poem and we can't wait to hear what you're up to, so keep in touch won't you!