Thursday, March 24, 2011


By Catherine

WOW! I couldn't believe it. It was fun swimming sports day. Yahoo! My first race was the lemon race. You swim with a lemon in your mouth. The lemon was yuck like grass. My next race was the piggy back race. I was Emily's piggy and she went as fast as the speed of light. We won! Next is was the crocodile race. I thought you all had to go under the water and all flick your feet together, left - right and left - right, like soldiers. But that wasn't right. There were four people in each team and you had to join together, by holding the ankles of the person in front of you and then you just had to swim. Then my last race was the boogie board race. I was so fast, it was like I was swimming humongous waves in the ocean. It was a fun day.

Watch Catherine's Movie Below:

1 comment:

  1. well done Catherine, I really enjoyed reading your story and watching the video. You all looked like you were having such wonderful fun. Lots of laughter was heard. GO RIMU
    Catherine's mum Mrs pene
